Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Fallacies Of Most Essay Writers

With the complexities of writing essays come misleading notions that many essay writers tend to believe. Although essay writing is bounded by set of norms and rules, writers must be cautious with the fallacies that hinder them in producing quality works.
Fallacy # 1: Writers write mainly to impress or to gain recognition.
Truth: To write is to express not to impress.
Many writers try so hard to impress readers. Some employ words that can't be understood by laymen. Essay writing's prime purpose is to clearly express facts and set of thoughts to its readers. Complicated and technical words don't work in writing essays. If the readers find the essay uncomfortable to read because of too much superlatives, the writer's effort to impress readers will be put to waste. A clear, logical and simple construction of sentences that expresses a sensible set of ideas is quite more impressive.
Fallacy # 2: Essay writers' main goal is merely to inform.
Truth: The real goal of a skilled essay writer is to infect the minds of the readers with his idea.
To write essays is to persuade people. It is not just writing every piece of detail in a sheet of paper. It is more on fabricating the facts and opinions in a manner it appears influential and relevant. To sway readers' belief or conviction is a skill that only great essay writers can do.
Fallacy # 3: Writers need to have fantastic ideas before he can write an essay.
Truth: Writing is how a writer can really develop ideas. An essay usually turns out to be more fascinating than it seemed at first.
Some writers feel intimidated because they don't come up with brilliant ideas at first. The fact is, not all great ideas come before the actual writing process. As writing progresses, many ideas develop. It is because the mind starts digging when the writer starts writing. It may be a rough road at first but continuous writing will work its way to greatness.
Fallacy # 4: Cramming will squeeze out the creative juices in a writer.
Truth: Start early. Like wine, an essay needs time to mature.
To write under time pressure may work for some writers but it is not really a healthy way to create quality essays. Essay writing is also like sewing. The writer needs sufficient time to ensure that every detail of the garment is properly stitched. Writing entails a process - enough time to plan, write and edit.
Fallacy # 5: Criticisms diminish the value of an essay.
Truth: Critiques is the most efficient way to bring out the best in a paper.
There's never a destructive criticism when it comes to writing. It's just a matter of attitude. Essay writers' incapability to accept reviews, especially negative critiques hinders the growth of the essay. Criticisms are always constructive if taken in the right perspective.
Every writer has his own style and unique ways to write. What works for an essay writer might not work for a research paper writer. But fallacies in writing can hinder any writer, regardless of what and how they write.

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